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6. The Opposite of Yes

5. Taking Away from Sarah

4. Take Other People's Away

3. Experience Manipulator

2. Jon wishes up a device

1. You Are What You Wish

Experience Manipulator: The Opposite of Yes

avatar on 2009-12-09 22:01:46

4718 hits, 284 views, 3 upvotes.

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Another boring day at school. Sarah sighed as she spun the combination to her locker. She wasn't looking forward to today. Boring classes, lame lab partners, plus having to put up with all her lame fellow students. She wondered how she was going to get through the week.

Her locker opened effortlessly and she glanced at herself in the mirror. Hot as always. She took pride in being the hottest girl in school. Every once and a while another girl would try to take her crown, but Sarah had a few tricks up her sleeve. Sometimes it would take an extra button undone on her shirt, sometimes her skirt would have to be hiked a bit higher. More often than not a dropped pencil would solve the problem. She knew for a fact that every boy (and some girls) in the school wanted her. Last year she was sure that a teacher had been hitting on her.

She grabbed her books and closed her locker, hearing the mechanism click into place telling her that it was safe and secure. Another weary sigh escaped her lips as she looked up and saw that one of the biggest losers in her year was approaching.

Lewis Trambers.


What did he want now? She racked her brain about the boy. She hated talking to losers. If people saw her talking to him they'd start to think less of her, which would lead to her having to flash a bit more leg, or "accidentally" flashing her panties.

"Sarah!" Lewis' wheezy voice cut into her thought process.

"What do you want, Lewis?" She didn't bother hiding the disdain in her tone, hoping that passersby would pick up on it.

"Sarah! Listen, I... uh..." sweat was dripping down his face. He looked terrified.

"What? Spit it out!"


He had spoken so quickly that she had to think for a moment before she knew what he had said. It was then that she noticed down the hall, clustered around the water fountain, were a group of nerdy looking dorks eagerly staring at their equally dorky friend Lewis who was about to get crushed.

Confusion hit Sarah like a ton of bricks. How, exactly, does not go on a date with someone when they're asked? She thought back over her life. She could remember many times saying 'yes' to dates, but for some reason she couldn't remember ever doing the opposite. What exactly was the opposite, anyway? How does one do that?

The confusion was replaced with terror, then quickly with resignation. Sarah knew that come that evening, no matter what her plans had been earlier, she would now be on a date with Lewis Trambers: dork king.

Once again she sighed.

"Sure Lewis," a look of total shock and amazement crossed Lewis' face, "you can pick me up at seven." She scribbled her address and phone number on a piece of paper, ripped it out of her binder, and walked away down the hall, red with shame. Hopefully nobody had seen her, although she was sure the dork-squad would know soon enough.

"Okay!" Lewis shouted from behind her, his wheezy voice cutting her pride like a knife, "Seven O'Clock! See you tonight Sarah!"

Sarah wanted to crawl under a rock and die.

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