"Just to see if the stone could do it, and having a specialized item may be useful. As for what I will make, maybe a teleported, or a mind swapper, or a TG gun, or a cloner, or... Oh I know EXACTLY what to make"
Jon held the stone and said "I wish that I had a device that would swap the bodies of everyone in range"
There was the classic need to turn away and when Jon and Karyn could look again there was a dynamite plunger like in those old roadrunner cartoons only real.
"Jon why'd you wish for that, it's just stupid and dangerous" Karyn said
"How's it dangerous"
"The stone will stay with your body and it will induce mass panic, and you didn't say what the range would be there's a prison outside of town"
"Your right I got it. I wish that the stone would appear in my hand no matter what body I'm in when I say the phrase Concrete Thong, I wish that the device would only swap prisoners with other prisoners of similar crimes and I wish me and Karyn would be able to tell who every one is no matter what body anyone is in" Jon said
"That seams better but what if I need the stone and we are apart?" Karyn asked
"Ok Ok I wish that the stone would appear in Karyn's hand no matter what body she's in when she say the phrase Fuck Me In the Nose"
"Very funny Jon just pull the plunger" Karyn said
Jon pushed the plunger and everything went fuzzy