"Jon has a cock the grows out of his asshole. It is part of his digestive track and he can pull it out of his body to the length of his intestines minus the part that has to stay inside his body. He can control it like a prehensile tail. His front cock is the size of his forearm." Jon looked up at Karyn in amazement. "You mean I haven't always had a cocktail?" "Ya, I mean, how many guys have cocks growing out of their butts and cocks in front the size of their arm?" "Everyone. Well, they have different sizes for the front cock but that a fairly normal size." Karyn looked at him in surprise. "You mean, everyone else has a cock tail and a massive front cock?" "Of course, Karyn. It only makes sense, since girls have huge front pussies and a pussy in back." Karyn found that very interesting. She had onl ment to change Jon but I seemed like the whole world had been affected. Suddenly she realized, the pencil and paper were no longer in her hands. She saw Jon writing something down. "Let's she how you like this change Karyn."
Massiv cocks
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