Jon picked up the notepad and read aloud, "Ahem! 'Jon has a vagina underneath his scrotum. His favorite way to masturbate is to stick his penis in his vagina and fuck himself. Jon is also three months pregnant. The pregnancy is a result of Jon's not using birth control when he fucks himself.'"
"Wait a second... I'm pregnant? I know I haven't had my period in a while but I didn't think that I could be pregnant. I didn't know it was even possible for someone to get themselves pregnant."
"Well Jon as far as I know I don't think it has ever happened before. You are a one of a kind person now after all" said Karyn.
"What do you mean one of a kind? Everyone in my family is a hermaphrodite like me. Well everyone except my Mom she is all woman from what Dad says."
"Wait your telling me that your whole family are hermaphrodites? Why does Zoe look like a girl and Mikey look like a boy then?" asked Karyn.
"Well with each of us one sex is slightly more dominant than the other and we tend to look like one sex or the other."
"hmm... let me see that paper again Jon." Jon passed the paper back to Karyn thinking she meant to erase what she had written and return the world to the way it was before. A way that only Karyn remembered.
As he was thinking about how things might have been if he had just been a boy with no girl parts he didn't notice that Karyn was writing something else in stead of erasing what she had previously written.