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11. Magic Pencil: Karyn keeps an e

10. Magic Pencil: Biff at the Door

9. Magic Pencil: No Pity From Kar

8. Biff Meadows

7. Jon has a...

6. Karyn changed Jon but he can't

5. skin

4. Jon tests the pencil on Karyn

3. the magic pencil.

2. Jon wishes up a device

1. You Are What You Wish

Magic Pencil: Karyn keeps an eye on Jon

avatar on 2016-05-04 13:52:24

1183 hits, 71 views, 1 upvotes.

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Karyn listened from around the corner as Biff told Jon about their date. Apparently they would be going to a restaurant and then going to see a movie. Biff then told Jon how he was supposed to act throughout their date. Jon would be appreciative of Biff and would thank him with a warm smile every time Biff did something nice for him, such as pull out his chair or give him a compliment. Biff then said that when they had to order Jon would let Biff choose what he would have for his meal. Biff finished by telling Jon that when they got to the movie theatre he expected Jon to snuggle up to him throughout the movie while Biff would place his arm around his shoulders and fondle his nipples and occasionally they would make out. After the movie Biff said that there would be a surprise for Jon if he behaved well. Karyn could tell that the surprise wasn't something that Jon was going to like.

Karyn wanted to be able to tag along but as this was a date, it would look a bit awkward if she was there. Karyn thought for a moment and then grabbed the magic pencil and pad and then wrote:

Karyn has a magic camera which allows her to monitor Jon through her computer.

When Karyn looked up she saw that there was a screen on her monitor. Looking at it she could see that it was a bird's eye view of Biff and Jon out in the hall. Karyn smiled, with this she would be able to watch what happened without being caught. Jon poked his head around the door "Hey Karyn, we're going now. Are you sure you can't fixed this?" He pleaded to his friend. Karyn shrugged her shoulders "Sorry Jon. I want to see how this goes." She pointed to her computer "but don't worry, I'll be able to monitor you so if anything bad is going to happen. I'll be able to change it." Jon sighed "Ok Karyn. That'll have to do. See you later" He waved goodbye and Karyn waved back. Karyn turned around in her chair to watch them walk out to Biff's car

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