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68. Headmistress

67. GGS: A Measure of Truth

66. Research

65. cont*

64. Librarian

63. Back At School

62. Geek Gun: Business Meeting

61. Waiting For The Boss (2)

60. Denise Makes Plans That Will N

59. Denise Changes

58. Denise Brewster

57. Lunch Time

56. The Results

55. Samantha Arrives At Work

54. A Tough Morning

53. Miss Jameson

52. Steve "The Stud" Farber

51. Meeting Up With Friends

50. Jay's Mom Finds The Device

49. Sarah Rides The Bus To School

GGS: From Principle to Headmistress

on 2009-07-27 05:00:24

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Ms Fry settled back and looked over her "new" Principle.

Miss March had always stood out in school; a youthful looking blonde 27 year old, she was considerable younger than a lot of her staff, and looked younger still. This combined with her good looks had sometimes coursed problems for her, the mildest of which was her name becoming something of a standing joke not that she actually looked anything like a calendar model, but just like office humour, staff room humour doesn't actually need to be funny.

In Ms Fry's opinion this was no longer going to be an issue; the effects of the devices had "matured" Miss March's features, pushing her solidly into her mid-thirties or even early forties in terms of looks, her light blonde shoulder length hair, darkened considerably and even picked up a few hints of grey, as it grew all the way down past her waist and down to her butt, before being pulled back upward in to a severe up-do, with most of it held in check as a tight bun at the base of her neck.

The stylish pants suit she was wearing, became thick, heavy tweed; the pants formed a skirt of the same material that came down past mid calf, her legs became encased in thick tan stocking and her shoes becoming solid sensible brogues; the stylish silk t-shirt she was wearing beneath her jacket, became a heavy cotton blouse, with a small amount of ruffled marital at the throat, held in places by a heavy cameo broach.

Finally her make-up free face, was adorned by a pair of round "bug-eye" glasses, thick framed, but with round lenses so thick and powerful they looked like magnifying glasses, distorting the view of the eyes behind into massive size.

Seeing all this Ms Fry simply tisk-ed at her superiors behaviour.

With hands that lightly shook, Miss March slowly lowered the "gun" and place in onto her desk; with out looking she reached into a draw and pulled out a small mirror; and then with a slow, deliberate turn of her head she looked at it's reflective surface, and simply started at her reflection for a few moments. With utter calm she then returned the mirror to it's draw, folded her now steady hands before her on the desk and looked to Ms Fry.

"It would appear that I owe you an apology" the schools new Headmistress informed her staff member in a slightly nasal tone of voice.

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