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65. cont*

64. Librarian

63. Back At School

62. Geek Gun: Business Meeting

61. Waiting For The Boss (2)

60. Denise Makes Plans That Will N

59. Denise Changes

58. Denise Brewster

57. Lunch Time

56. The Results

55. Samantha Arrives At Work

54. A Tough Morning

53. Miss Jameson

52. Steve "The Stud" Farber

51. Meeting Up With Friends

50. Jay's Mom Finds The Device

49. Sarah Rides The Bus To School

48. Sarah Wakes Up

47. The Next Morning

46. At Biff's House

GG: I’m an Ungrateful S#it, What I’m I?

on 2009-07-21 17:32:29

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"All RIGHT!! How could things possible be all RIGHT!!" Ms Fry screeched, her eyes snapping hellfire through her glasses " I Look, like a a "

"Librarian " offered Jon despite himself, but with that word Ms Fry seemed to stall in mid-rage, she looked down at herself, then turned round slightly to see herself in the small rectangular mirror hung on he end of one of the near by selves (a little "security" device she used to keep track of what was going on in the parts of the library she could not actually see from her desk she was always surprised more students didn't pick up on it.)

The boy was right, she did indeed look like a Librarian, or rather something close to how she envisioned such a person when she was a child; Angelica Fry had always loved books and early on had decided that her dream job would be that of Librarian, it was a conviction that she had stuck to and had lead her into her present position, even if the reality didn't not quite match her childhood musing but now starting back at her was the very image of what the young Angelica had thought a Librarian was, even if in the way of children she'd never directly associated that image with herself.

Slowly the thought that she didn't actually look BAD, entered into her head, and that this change would in no way impede her duties, in fact she some how felt she would be all the better at them

Jon could actually see it as Ms Fry settled, like a porcupine lowering it's quills, and when she turned back to Jon she had an almost serene look on her horsy features "My apologise young man, I may have over reacted; never the less this truly extraordinary, what exactly is that " Ms Fry enquired, indicating the gun in Jon's hand.

Deciding that honesty was the best policy, to an extent, Jon started to explain "Well have you heard that some of he students came in changed this Morning?" Ms Fry nodded in acknowledgement, an intrigued look crossing her features "Well a device similar to this was responsible, you see this well gun, can transform any person into a "geek" and make any THING it hits more "geeky" "

"A Geek" Ms Fry murmured to herself "Yes I suppose so " a slight smile formed on her face, coursing her large two front teeth to poke out slightly, then she focused back on Jon "Well, as I said I over reacted, so I'm not going to get you in any trouble, indeed I almost feel I should thank you; but really I can't let a student walk around with something like that, please hand it over Mr Smith"

Looking reluctant Jon handed over the gun, and Ms Fry tucked it under her arm "Now off with you " she said firmly.

Once outside the library, Jon simply reached inside his bag, he didn't even bother to take the Stone out of it's pouch; quietly wishing that he had a second "Geek Gun" that worked exactly the same as the first, Jon felt the weight of his bag shift; checking in side, Jon than walk off down the hall a smile on his face

Inside the library Ms Fry had decided the best thing to do would be to take the gun to Miss March, the school principle

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