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11. After the wish

10. Similar fate for Jon

9. Jon Amy and Karyn wishing

8. Pregnancy and the Conjoined Tw

7. Be True to Your School

6. Karyn Doubled

5. Two Heads are Better Than One

4. Conjoined Women

3. Perverted World

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

Meet Your Neighbor

avatar on 2020-08-16 13:22:24

1594 hits, 172 views, 1 upvotes.

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Jon turned and looked to his right, where a second head had now sprouted with identical long hair.

"Kira, what are you looking at?" she giggled.

"I dunno..." Jon was clearly getting used to having only half a body to control, or the long dark brown hair, or the breasts, or all of it.

"Well, Jessica... What do you wanna do?" Amy asked.

"Hmmmm, you two are cute not to resist..."

Looking at the revealing outfit the two of them were wearing, it was clear that Jon—now Kira—would play second-fiddle to her sister.

Oh girl.

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