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16. At Sarah's house

15. The next morning

14. Meanwhile

13. After school

12. A ruined lunch

11. After school...

10. In the other bathroom...

9. Nueva sorpresa, nuevos problem

8. A few days later...

7. After class...

6. A dose of karma

5. New problems in second period

4. Meanwhile, a year ago...

3. ...Nothing changed?

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

The Crossover: Steel Magnolia

avatar on 2020-08-12 22:33:26

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“Oh my gosh!” we exclaimed simultaneously upon seeing each other. Sarah was a giant! I had to crane my neck high just to look at her face and, although I knew her well and remembered she cared for me, I still felt my knees trembling. My lips wavered, not knowing if at any moment I might be struck hard.

“Wow!” Sarah was finally able to say. “I did not expect this at all.”

“Well, neither did I…”

“You look kinda like a shorter version of me,” she continued.

“Well, uhhh…” I was embarrassed at the thought of looking like Sarah. “I’ll need all the help I can get.” I hesitated a moment, then gulped to steel myself. “Here, look at what Coach is forcing me to do.” I handed her the slip of paper and winced as Sarah read it, noticing her eyes getting big.

“Goodness… That’s worse than what I was told to do!”

“What’s that?” I tried to hide my own shame but couldn’t. I felt overwhelmed with emotions that were more vivid than any I’d had before.

“Told me to come back to school looking like a proper boy.”

“So they think you’re a boy and I’m a girl, huh…”

“Seems the way we’re going, doesn’t it,” Sarah replied glumly. I followed her into her bedroom.

“So, what first?”

“You’re probably gonna be harder than me. Can I wear what you have on now?”

“Sure, why not… Looks like I can’t wear this again,” she regretted as she tugged at her top. I took off my clothes carefully, leaving me exposed to Sarah.

“Wow…” She stared at my dingy clothes, while I felt exposed in just a pair of panties. “Umm, why do I want to say you’re cute?”

“I dunno, I don’t have time to think about that.” I was angry.

“Well, step one is this.” Sarah opened a drawer and fished out a bra, all in pink with lace trim.

“Oh God no,” I exclaimed.

“It’s time to pass the bra to you. It’s not practical for me to use it anymore. But you do need to learn how to put it on.” I stared blankly for a moment, feeling my hands start to tremble. “And yes, this means you need to come over here, airhead.” Hesitantly, I did so, fearing she might yank me roughly and hurt me.

She showed me how to hook the bra behind me, put my hands through the straps, and feel secure. It seemed a little big, but as I put it on, it turned out to be a perfect fit. “This way your breasts won’t be so distracting to you.” I looked down to find my panties had turned the same color.

“Now for an outfit… I’d like to find something that’s comfortable, if I can.”

“Well, Coach’s instructions were quite specific. More so than for me. Take a look in my closet and let me do this...” Sarah trailed off as she stepped away for a moment, and when she came back, she was wearing all of my old clothes. If not for her hair and voice, I might have thought I was looking at myself.

“So let’s start small, how about a simple tank top and skirt? Nothing too fancy.” She handed me a hanger with a white tank top and another with a blue ankle-length skirt. “These should be easy to put on.”

I looked at the skirt in horror. “Hold on, Sarah.. I know what the note says, but I’m just not ready yet to try that on. Could I try something less feminine to start?”

Sarah shrugged her shoulders. “Alright, how about this red pair of pants then? They’re tight-fitting, but...maybe they’ll work for you to try on?”

Hesitantly, I slipped the hanger off and wrangled the first garment onto my body, tugging at my breasts to get it to sit right. Then I stepped into the pants and pulled them up my legs, noticing the clothing changing to fit my tiny stature. I looked away for just a moment, though, and suddenly the colors had melted together to form a uniform pink. The outfit was no longer a top and pair of pants, but a full-blown dress. And one that didn’t leave much to the imagination.

“What’s going on?” I exclaimed. “You gave me an outfit, but it turned into...this?” I pulled at the fabric to emphasize my point. “And I wasn’t ready to wear a dress, damn it!”

“I don’t know.” She gestured to her closet and pointed at outfits that she thought would be at least fine for me to wear, so I tried them on. An old cheer club T-shirt and shorts...turned into a dress. A white blouse and blue skirt...turned into a cuter, even more feminine dress. A gray dress… ...turned into a pink one. No matter what I tried to wear, I found myself staring at similarly revealing pink dresses.

“Why the…” I raged and threw one on the ground out of frustration.

“Your note is pretty detailed,” Sarah advised me. “Those altered dresses all seem to work in the parameters of what Coach wants.” It was weird to hear her talking like this, less emotional, more calculated, more… manly.

“I’m not getting out of this easily, and I don’t have that much time.” I looked at the dresses scattered around. “So… Which one should I wear?” She pointed to one that was trimmed in lace, with what looked like a low-cut bustline. “But that’ll show my…”

“They all will, trust me. Welcome to my world… At least, what was my world.”

I gulped, putting on the dress slowly with Sarah’s help. I didn’t even want to look at myself, so I closed my eyes.

“How do I look?”

“Good, and we don’t have that much time. There’s a lot that I have to do for you. Let’s do shoes next.”

I took out the bag of shoes I had brought with me and sat on the bed, noticing how my feet were far from the floor. After removing my gym shoes—which were going to be Sarah’s in a matter of moments—I tried the flats, looking down in shock as they seemed to suddenly sprout lengthening heels, and then turned a rich shade of pink.

I got up from the bed and stumbled in them for a few steps. “How do you even walk in these?”

“You’ll get used to it. Given how short you are, you really do need them.”

I smirked sarcastically. “Haha, Sarah, very funny! Do you know how short I am, exactly!?” I took them off, tried to walk in just my bare feet, and immediately regretted it. My feet ached so much that they seemed to clamor for the heels, like otherwise I wouldn’t be able to walk easily at all! I slipped the heels back on, and after some effort, I was able to walk normally, though wobbly.

“I bet if you tried any of those other shoes you brought here, they’d just turn into more of these, like the dresses did.”

I nodded, sort of processing what Sarah had to say. I did try another pair, the taller set of heels in blue, and looked on in dismay as they shifted hues to have the same pink as the other ones.
“Okay now,” Sarah continued. “Next…”

I gulped. There was more!?

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