"looks like it, why are you so mad"
"cause I know what people think of cheerleaders in our reality ditsy, I don't want people to think of me like that"
"that's true but we'll worry about that later. but I would like to see you in that uniform at least once before we go back to out reality."
"alright fine We'll stay long enough for there to be a football game or some sport for me to cheer at."
"alright! well how about we try out this reversed roles thing and go on a date Jon"
"yeah you know just as friends though you'll wear a nice dress I'll wear a nice shirt and pants, I'll pay for the meal pull out your chair etc."
"Well I guess that sounds fine but I'm only wearing a modest dress."
"well from the looks of it most of your dresses are kind of short you are a cheerleader remember"