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5. Feman II

4. What if there were three gende

3. Alternate Reality Device

2. Jon wishes up a device

1. You Are What You Wish

Feman II

on 2009-07-01 02:46:47

968 hits, 36 views, 0 upvotes.

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Jon saw that Karyn didn't seem to have changed, but he sure felt different.

"So," said Karyn. "Was that supposed to do anything?"

Jon looked into a nearby mirror. He was wearing girl's clothing instead of his old clothing, and when he walked, moving around felt strange, almost alien. And he felt a strange weight on his chest. Feeling around he found that he had small, a-cup breasts. He was even wearing a bra.

"I'm definately in a different universe," said Jon. "I think your Jon is back in my universe, inhabiting my body."

"Well, you certainly are acting differently," said Karyn. "You've never shown that much interest in your boobs before. Its kind of creepy."

"That's because I didn't have boobs in my old reality," said Jon.

"A feman not having boobs?" said Karyn. "What sort of wierd universe did you come from?"

"A feman?" said Jon. "What's a feman?"

Karyn rolled her eyes. "Geeze, maybe you are from an alternate universe. Femans have babies. Men and women deposit their eggs and sperm into a feman's body. If the sperm fertilizes the egg, the feman gets pregnant and carries it to term. You, or the you from this universe, are a feman. You made that weird ARD machine and said that you were going to a reality that had two genders or some such nonsense. Looks like it worked."

"Well," said Jon. "The device must have searched out for a universe that matched with my description at included a version of me that was looking for a universe that matched mine and made the change at the same time. We might be stuck inside each other's body until we make the switch back at the same time. I wonder if each of us will feel compelled to make the switch if the other one tries to make the switch." Jon paused. The mechanics were making his head start to hurt. It probably didn't matter on a practical level. "As long as we're in each other's body, we might as well explore each other's world. Lets go outside."

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