jon knocked on karyn's door.
"hello... Do I know you... ohmygodjonyouhadsexwithsomeone..." karyn was out of breath "looks like... Sarah?!?!?"
"don't ask how or why" jon replied
"well are you going to have sex with a guy or stay this way??" karyn asked
"i'll probably do it with a guy sometime but i'm in no hurry"
"oh that's so cool... you've finally become a man... well almost, i can't wait until I can too so I can really be a woman that is after i'm a man." karyn said "well do you want to try out all that being a girl has to offer."
"I guess, if you wanna do something girly i'm all for it."
"oh this is gonna be so much fun having a girl friend finally" karyn was jumping with joy with the thought of jon doing girly things with her. "well first you need to learn to put on makeup, and then nail polish, then to dress like a girl."
"alright let's just do something already" jon said