Sometime during the night, Zoe (Jon's Gothy younger sister) got up to go to the bathroom. On her way back to her room, she heard someone talking in Jon's room. She knew that Jon occasionally talked in his sleep and sometimes she even listened in. This was one of those times.
She slowly opened his door and snuck in.
"Uh huh. Yeah," he said in his sleep. "I wish I was sleeping with Karyn," he said, with a smile.
A sex dream, huh? This oughtta be good, Zoe thought. But what came next was very unexpected. Something in Jon's hand that looked like a stone glowed white and in a flash Jon's friend Karyn was in bed with him.
"What the ...?" But it didn't take Zoe long to figure out what happened. She smiled. A magic stone. A wishing stone. I'm definitely going to use this.
She walked over to his bed and bent over him to grab the stone. But when she tried to get it, she couldn't. It was as if it was glued to his hand. She assumed that someone had to touch the stone to make it work, so she placed her hand on it and said "I wish ..."