"Hey, what's this, Jon?" Tim asked teasingly, easily taking the stone out of Jon's hand, despite the fact that it was stuck to it since he made that wish the previous day. But maybe he wanted Tim to have it, subconsciously? Letting someone else have the stone was the only way someone could remove it from his hand, so maybe. But the moment Tim was holding it, Jon suddenly realized that maybe Tim having a powerful wishing stone was probably not such a great idea, especially if he didn't know the rules.
"Tim, give that back ... this isn't funny!" Jon said, grabbing for the stone.
"Oh, calm down, Jon ... you're really acting strange ... I just wish you'd act like I remember."
The stone glowed, catching Tim's attention, and then his wish was granted.
Jon felt strange in his head and suddenly found himself unwillingly acting like Tim's girlfriend Cindy. So how did Cindy usually behave?