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5. Yes

4. Karen bursts in

3. Okay, let's turn it into a thr

2. Just Genitals stories

1. You Are What You Wish


on 2020-07-07 14:03:55

2663 hits, 155 views, 3 upvotes.

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"Yes!" Jon almost shouts out then turns even redder and covers his mouth with both his hands in shock.
Karen giggles and pulls the covers back down and moves between Jon's legs "I kinda thought you liked me" she states matter of factually before placing her mouth on his vagina".
"H-HOLY F-f-fuc-ck-k!" Jon actually screams out as Karen begins to suck on Jon's new clitoris. Karen quickly and expertly brings Jon to Orgasm, nibbling, licking and finger fucking him for the first time as he cries out in pleasure. "I'm cumming!" john shouts the pleasurable sensations flowing through his whole body rather than being centered on his genital region. His thighs squeeze around Karen's head and he clutches at the bed sheets before slumping back for a moment expecting Karen to stop.
She doesn't, and continues to pleasure him orally finishing him off three more times before his clit suddenly ballooned back out into a dick and his balls formed back over his vagina, the skin dropping between his thighs as his cock spurted out its own meager orgasm.
Jon lay on the bed beyond satisfied. "Wow you're good at that".
"Had lot's of practice"
"You're a Lesbian?"
"I'd say i'm Bi, but honestly genderfuckery on any level is really hot to me, so that vagina on you was hot as fuck not gonna lie bro" Karen replies like shes talking about the weather or any other everyday topic. "Seems like we have kinks that match up,'' She looks you deep in the eyes again ''would you be willing to do some fun kinky stone wishes with me?".

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