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3. Jon and his beggining as Hrr'T

2. Something unusual

1. The Future of Gaming

The Game World

on 5/2/2002 5:25:39 AM UTC

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The first thing that I saw was the sky. And the Sun, a glorious blazing sin. But, unlike the real world, this one was of a emerald color that added in some way to the charm of the world I had just "entered". Then, the thing that I saw next was the puny fleshling that were running everw... Wait! How did I called them? Fleshinling? But they are human! Like I am really. This is real strange, is it simply that it affect the way someone think to enhance the role-playing? Probably, but that was pretty creepy. So, I decided to look at myself.
Damn! The wuality of the model was great, I really looked as real as a creature like that that I choose for my specie(j'hol thri-kreen) could be. And my arms! I could actually FEEL my new set of arm as if they were really mine. This was a really strange feeling, that to have four arms. Then I loowed at the crowd, trying to find a hint that could tell me that one of the fleshl... person! Yes, that one of the person here could be Suzie. Then I saw her. She looked, like she said, pretty much like herself but with the pointy ear of one of those puny elves(damn cursed roleplaing personality change!). I decided to make a surprise to her anyway as she still did'nt knew who I was really. So I walked toward her.

-"Sorry" to interupt you female but would you appear to be the fleshling named Suzie?, did I asked with the best I could with my mandibles(it's hard to talk with the new mouth I had!). Someone send me to find you, fleshling.

She then turned toward as I talked, took some strange device from her pocket and waved it in front on me. Then she said, to my surprise:

-Ah, Jon, I was expecting you. You did'nt needed to try to hide who you were, this is useless to those who have these the device.

-How did you, was all I was able to say.

-Simple, it is a device importated from Clersian, a city highly advanced. It permit you to know who is the plaer of an avathar. It did cost some gold pieces though.

But then, taking an hand to one of her purse attached to her belt, she said:

-But that was'nt something I was'nt able to remedy.

She stole money from other people? How could she! She has no honor, I thought that she was better than the other fles... No,no, no. I'm getting again to much into my character mind. And Suzie had apparently noticed that too.

-Oh, by the way Jon, or Hrr'tak if you like more to be called by your avathar name, you can put the role-playing help(that thing that change your personality) off with that item.

As she said this, she took some kind of thing that looked like a watch and explained how it work:

Ok, first, you probably have one on yourself(wich I just found in one of my ocket on my tool belt) so take it. Ok, I see you have it. Now, you see that little red button, it is to put the "helper" on. The blue one is to put it off. Now push it.

And I did it.So as I tried to talk, I was relieved to finnaly hear my own voice:

-Whoa, that was really strange, it was like as if I really was'nt an human anymore and thinking really like the being I am in this game.

-Yes, that's the use of the helper, to put yourself even more in the skin of the character. Some people disable it as soon as they can as they really don't like the feeling of it, but with time you get used to that anyway.

I silently nodded my four arms crossed on my chitinous chest. And then, as she looked to study me, she said:

-I'm must admit that you choose particualry well your character. You surprise me, really, I would'nt have thought you'll tkae this as your avathar.

And by her voice, I knew this was a compliment. So I then said in my turn:

-So what are we going to do?

-I was thinking of maybe explore a little bit the city, did she said. Interested?

-Hmmm, yeah. Do we put the role-player helper "on" again?

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