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18. His mother wants to talk

17. Dinner at home

16. try it would for a bit

15. later

14. Continuing

13. Back at Karyn's house

12. Running out

11. Finding a wayout

10. Jon is in over her head.

9. Rep

8. Revenge

7. Getting mischievous

6. Jon's Rack

5. Making a full set

4. In the drawer, we'll find...

3. Doing what is right

2. Moral Issues

1. You Are What You Wish

An embarrassing conversation

on 2020-06-11 21:23:30

2290 hits, 203 views, 6 upvotes.

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Jon got up and opened the door and saw his mother standing there.

"Can I come in?" she asked. Jon couldn't think of any reasonable excuse to tell her no so gestured for her to come in. She sat in the chair at his desk and Jon took a seat on his bed. Jon could tell that whatever was on his mother's mind was something that she didn't really want to talk about. Finally she said "You know I like Karyn, right?"

"What?" Jon said in confusion. "Yeah, I guess. Why?"

"Zoe told me what you and Karyn were really doing after school."

'That little snitch!' Jon thought, but what he said out loud was "She doesn't know anything."

"Jon, it's normal for people your age to... do those sorts of things. I just want to make sure you are being safe." she said then held out something for Jon to take.

Jon looked at the box that his mother had handed him and turned a brighter red than he ever would have imagined was possible. His mother had just handed him a box of condoms!

"Jon," she started. He looked up and say that her face was almost as red as his was, "I want you to promise me that you will wear one of these any time that you and Karyn... um... have sex. Okay?"

'I don't even have the equipment to wear one at the moment' Jon thought. Of course he didn't say that out loud; he merely nodded his head.

"Okay, Jon?" his mother asked.

"Okay, Mom. I promise" he said.

"Promise what?" she pressed

"I promise that every time Karyn and I have sex we'll use a condom." he said turn his head away.

"Thank you. I'm too young to be a grandmother. You're too young to get a girl pregnant."

"I couldn't do that right now if I wanted to." Jon mumbled.

"What was that?"

Jon realized that he'd said that loud enough that his mother might have caught some of it.

"Um... I said thanks for the condoms, mom" Jon lied.

Looking at her, he could tell she didn't believe him but she also didn't seem in the mood to press him for a better answer.

"Okay." she said standing up. "I love you Jon. Thanks for putting up with me." She walked over and kissed the top of his head and then left him alone in his room.

Jon crossed the room and shut the door glad to have that over with.

He spent the next couple of hours working on his homework and then it was time for bed.

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