After their make-out session, John grabbed the wand. "Okay, as much as I'd like to keep you looking like that, I have to change you back. Otherwise, you'll stay like that for two weeks. But first, let me change myself back." He turned the wand on himself and concentrated, but nothing happened.
"Maybe I need to do it," Sam suggested.
John handed it over, but had a sinking feeling that that wouldn't work either. And after Sam tried it, John discovered that his sinking feeling was right.
"Why isn't it working?" John asked.
Suddenly, Sam's eyes went wide. "Oh my god! Look at the time!"
John twirled around, feeling his large breasts bob and sway as he did, and looked at the clock. "No," he uttered. The day was over. Both he and Sam were stuck like this for two weeks.
"I can't stay like this," Sam said. "No one will recognize me."
"Me either. But we don't have a choice."