Jon was about to wish for something, but before he could, the stone was knocked out of his hand. His face turning red with anger, he spun around to see who had knocked into him. It was his former friend Karyn. What the hell was wrong with that girl? First she called the girl of his dreams a bitch, then she stopped him from fixing the wish he made about her? Some friend she was. More than ever, Jon realized what a good decision it was to not be friends with Karyn anymore. Sarah's the bitch? No way. Karyn was.
"What the hell did you do that for?!" he yelled at Karyn.
"Jon, there's something wrong with you. You don't love Sarah. You hate her as much as I do."
"Shut up! I love Sarah more than anything. And I'm going to prove it," he said, before turning towards the stone and reaching for it to pick it up.
Karyn saw what he was doing, then reached for the stone herself.
But which one of them picked it up before the other?