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15. Random Stone : Wish in haste..

14. Zoe and Athena Are the Fattest

13. Fattest Girls in School

12. Teaching the Bimbos a Lesson

11. Zoe Meets Up With Athena

10. The Random Stone

9. The Mysterious Intruder DID In

8. Jon Never Existed

7. The Omission Stone: Karyn's Wi

6. Jon Freaks Out, Karyn Remains

5. Mikey Gets Erased

4. The Next Morning

3. The Omission Stone

2. Switched Stones

1. You Are What You Wish

Random Stone : Wish in haste...repent in leisure

on 2011-12-26 20:18:45

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Athena and Zoe groaned in shock and horror, as the full weight of their changes settled on them. Far from simply plump or overweight, they were each so fat they were nearly swollen out of their clothes, yet not quite. Athenas black tattered dress, blood-red corset, black heeled boots, and fishnet gloves were streatched to fit a girl of more than three-times her former size, and what was inside quaked and shook like an upturned jello, while her long midnight black hair with red streaks framed a round, jowly-heavy, tripple-chinned face. Zoes black and purple dress had simply swelled in volume, giving her a globular appearance. Their hair, make-up piercings and tattoos seemed to be the same, though their skin was even paler than usual...obviously from spending even more time inside than they usually did. In shock, they looked down and saw that their trays were heaped with tacos, french fires, rolls and mashed potatoes and gravy instead of the usual salad and fruit cup. Obviously, it was impossible for vegitarians to be so they could nolonger be vegitarians.

They looked about, and saw that nobody seemed shocked or suprised at their appearance. In fact, Zelda Whitefield - another goth and close friend of the both of them - slid next to them at their table and set down her much lighter tray of food, saying "Hey, guys. So...what's going on with you two today?"

Zelda obviously accepted them as obese goths, and didn't think anything was different.

Athena and Zoe wanted to start babbling about the stone to her, but were distracted by the food (both girls were just so-o-o-o HUNGRY) and the fact that theycouldn't prove what they'd just expierenced...without wishing. And as they'd already expierenced one backfire (not knowing that the wishes made the Random Stone wouldn't necessarily be granted to the wisher, but rather to some random person within 50 feet of them) they were unwilling to test it again without some sort of plan.

So, Zoe and Athen ate...and found that food was a sensual delight for them. Obviously the schools two Fattest Girls would enjoy they did. They stuffed themselves to the bursting point, reveling in the gustatory joy of pure, unfetterd gluttony. They were lost in a sea of flavors, as they went back for several deserts. Some people laughed at them, or made rude comments...but as longtime goths, they were used to such insults...and knew how to return them. Only after finishing the last of several slices of chocolete cream pie...were they able to understand what they'd just done. They'd not eaten...they'd gorged like pigs at a trough. Too stuffed and contented to do much, they and Zelda talked about last night episode of "Being Human", and about how the American version was nowhere near as good as the English version. Afterwards, they went back to class...and aside for larger chairs set further back in class, everything seemed to same...well, excpet that Physical Education was spent sitting and reading (while noshing of candybars snuck from their purses) thanks to their "disability", and they nolonger had Study Hall, instead going to Home Ec. and learning how to cook...a class they were both aparently doing well in.

After school, Zoe found she still had her car (as Jon had been wished out of existance with the Omission Stone, Zoe had been the one to recieve a used car for her 16th birthday instead of him) which was normal...except that the seats were pushed way back, and candy wrappers were scattered on the floor. Zoe gave Athena and Zelda a her house. After telling Zelda that she HAD to show her something, she and Athena waddled into Zoes house. Zoes little brother Mikey was home, and as Zoe and Athena passed he made snorting sounds at them before giggling and running away far too fast for them to chase him. Zoe sighed (boogery little brothers never change) and lead Zelda to her room.

The room was basicly the same - same books, computer and such - except that her bed was much larger and had a depression in the middle from so many years of being slept on by a 400+ lb girl. Also, she had several cookbooks, and one drawer of her dresser was buldging with candies and snacks. She pulled out a family size bag of peanut M&Ms;, and offered some to her friends. Athena accepted, Zelda smiled and shook her head. Then...Zoe and Athena told Zelda what they'd done.

It was crazy, of course. Zelda could remember they day she'd first met the two girls in 2nd grade, and they'd both been the fattest girls in the class. She'd made friends with them mostly because they didn't run around as recess and act like animals, instead sitting and talking or playing with dolls. As the years passed, they'd stayed close...but it was obvious that Zoe and Athena were going to get bigger. When Zelda had spent the night at either of their houses, the girls parents had no problem with feeding the girls as much as they wanted...seeming not to be concerned with their growing obesity. For the sake of friendship, she'd never confronted them about their weight problem, at least partly because their weight problem wasn't a problem with them. Zoe and Athena ate...and if they were happy, what was Zelda supposed to do? Force them to change for her? Later, as they'd grown into their mutual Goth phase, they'd been even closer...but now...

"Bullshit." Zelda Whitefield said with a smile "You two've been huge all the years I've known you. Heck, you're both eating right now."

"I know..." said Zoe around a mouthfull of chocolete, candy and nuts "'s because of theis stone! It's supposed to grant wishes, but when we'd wished that those two bitches - Melissa Smith and Jessica Davis - would become the fattest girls in school...well...the wish rebounded on up instead. This wan't supposed to happen to us!"

"Yeah, you've got to believe us, Zelda.." said Athena "...I mean, this is too crazy to make up."

Zelda thought for a momant, then said "Okay...let me use the stone for a momant."

"NO!" both Zoe and Athena said. Then Athena shrugged and mumbled "You can't know what'll happen. I mean, it rebounded on us..."

"If so, then why does the whole school AND you families think you've always been this big?"

"Because the stone changes everyones memories or warps reality somehow, so only people who hear the wish being made can remember what was."

Zelda thought this was silly, but she asked for the stone again, saying she'd wish for only nice things. Things that, if they happened to her...she'd not be upset about.

Zoe handed the stone to Zelda, opened a bag of nutterbutters, and said again "Please be careful."

Zelda smiled, then thought. This was silly as heck, but...if they wanted to play...

"I wish...that I was one of the prettiest and most popular girl in highschool." she said.

Inside his room, Mikey Russell was playing a computer game and watching television...when his world shifted about him. His toys vanished, replaced with some collectable dolls...his computer game wiped from the computer...his room became as neat as a pin, and his clothes be replaced with a closet that was stuffed with the trendiest, most fashionable clothes. Mikey himself aged out of middleschool, and into highschool. His hair became a cascade of sunny blond, his face became heart-breakingly lovely, and he became a she...

Michelle Russell - now 14 and already taking highschool by storm - was brushing her long, lovely hair and tweeting to her friends. Still very much a brat, she didn't like her obese sister very much, and when Sarah McMillan tweeted "What's the pig doing?" she naturally tweeted back "Sitting in her room, eating with her goth friends - gag!"

Michelle smiled. She LOVED her friend sarah. Sarah had taken her under her wing, and now she was a cheerleader just like her. She LOVED being so popular!

"See? Nothing happened." said Zelda, while Zoe and Athena exchanged worried glances. The'd really expected something...

"Um, I wish I'd won 10 Million dollars in the lottery last month."

Nextdoor, the struggling Ramos family was suddenly drowning in luxury goods. They'd gone a little nuts at first, but the freshly painted house was now all paid for, as were the three new cars in the driveway. Still, they had to be smart about this. They'd plunked enough money away in trust funds for the kids to go to collage, and put most of the rest in the bank. The family was packing now, as theywere getting ready for a trip to Disey World to celebrate.

"Call your parents and ask them." said Athena "I mean, you're here...and you know your own wishes. Maybe everything changed at home."

She felt silly, but she called home and asked her parents if they were millionares. They wern't.

"Are we done here?" Zelda asked.

Zoe snatched the stone from her hands, and held it up to the light to inspect it. It seemed to be the same. She said "I wish...I don't know...I wish that...we were both slim and athletic..."

Downstairs, the wish was granted to her father, and he and his wife were suddenly taught, healthy and well-muscled. In fact, they were getting ready to go for a brisk 5 mile jog. Both were suddenly disgusted with their doughball of an older daughter, but were quite proud of how popular Michelle was.

Frustrated, Zoe began to wish quickly, no longer thinking things through before spitting the idea out. "This stupid, fucking thing! I wish..."

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