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14. Zoe Wants to Get Rid of the Go

13. Status Quo Reversed, Sort Of

12. Zoe Changes the Status Quo

11. Zoe Meets Up With Athena

10. The Amnesia Stone

9. The Mysterious Intruder DID In

8. Jon Never Existed

7. The Omission Stone: Karyn's Wi

6. Jon Freaks Out, Karyn Remains

5. Mikey Gets Erased

4. The Next Morning

3. The Omission Stone

2. Switched Stones

1. You Are What You Wish

The Amnesia Stone (Zoe): Zoe Wants to Get Rid of the Goths

avatar on 2010-05-29 13:34:16

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"What's weird about you being a Prep?" Zoe asked.

Athena looked up and stared at her friend. "What's weird about it? Zoe, we're supposed to be Goths. Don't you remember?"

Zoe's face twisted in disgust. "Eww. Why would I ever want to be one of those disgusting vampire freaks?"

Athena was starting to become frustrated. "Zoe, you already were one of those disgusting ... er ... one of those Goths." Athena hated it when the Preps referred to Zoe, Athena and their friends as freaks (or vampire freaks). She almost said it herself, being so irritated by Zoe's sudden memory loss. Why couldn't she remember? She heard her own wish, so her memories shouldn't have changed. "Zoe," she said, looking directly at her friend, who was now dressed in a pink halter top with a bare midriff, a white pleated micro miniskirt (that almost didn't pass the school dress code), and pink 4-inch heels. With her now-blond hair, she looked like a fucking living Barbie doll. Athena hated to know what she looked like now. But eventually, she'd find out. "You made a wish to change the status quo around here. Don't you remember anything?"

"Of course I remember. But I didn't make my wish yet. I was about to, but you starting complaining about being a Prep." She paused for a moment. "But if you're finished with your moment of insanity now, maybe I can get on with my wish. It'll be good to get rid of all those freaks."

"Wait, what? I thought you said you remembered the wish you were gonna make." Athena felt that it was bad enough that Zoe didn't remember making the wish already, but it gave her hope that she might have remembered what she was going to wish for. But now she realized that maybe Zoe wasn't thinking of the same wish she was.

"I do," Zoe said. "I was gonna wish away all those Goth freaks. Athena, we discussed it and you agreed. You hate those freaks as much as I do. At least, I thought you did." Zoe wrapped her fingers around the stone. "I wi ..."

"No!" Athena yelled suddenly.

"Athena, what the hell is your problem?!"

"I can't let you make that wish. There's something wrong. You should remember the wish you made and the reality before this one."

"But I haven't made a wish yet! You keep interrupting me!"

"Give me the stone."

"What? No."

"Give it to me, you preppy bitch," Athena said, trying to rip the stone out of Zoe's hand. She had never ever called Zoe a bitch before. Zoe was her friend. But now, it was almost like she was a completely different person.

"No!" Zoe yelled.

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