Susan waited for the bus just behind the four girls she had followed out of school. It was only now she noticed that one of the girls wasn’t laughing and joking as much as the others were. She looked out of place in the group. The girl in question was keeping her head down and was trying not to be seen. Once or twice she would lift her head and look around.
She turned and looked behind herself and snapped her head back on seeing Susan. I wonder why she did that, Susan thought to herself. She was about to turn to look in the direction the girl had looked in just in case there was something behind her that she hadn’t seen. When it had struck her THAT WAS NO GIRL. THAT WAS TOM. The words where so loud in her head she almost shouted them out loud.
Susan hadn’t noticed her brother was part of the group when she had been walking behind them, granted she had stopped looking for Tom hours ago, and apart from thoughts of revenge she had barely thought about him that afternoon. However, it wasn’t that, that had stopped her he was moving along keeping pace with the other girls and was moving in almost the same way they had been. Down to the swinging of the hips.
For the first time, that day since he had vanished from outside the school office did, she even entertain the thought that he hadn’t left the school back then. He had done as he had reluctantly agreed to, he had spent the day at school wearing her old uniform. If that was the case where had he got to.
Tom was trying to keep himself from getting noticed at the bus stop. He let Jen and the other girls lead the conversation from the gates of the school. He tried whenever he could to join in. He thought that since he was part of a group of girls all wearing the same uniform that no-one would him as anything other than part of the group.
He to a look around himself and saw his sister. She was standing a few feet behind him. He turned around as fast as he could hoping that she hadn’t seen him. The last thing he wanted now was for someone to out him at the end of the day. He had made it this far without anyone pointing and laughing and him. Yes, he did want to talk to her and tell her what had happened, but he could do that at home. She hadn’t seen him had she was replaying in his head when Jen turned to him and said “Hey Tammy there is the bus lets move before all the best seats are taken.
From behind him, Susan had only just noticed the school bus arriving she had been paying more attention to her little brother or was that sister. Judging by the way he was moving at the moment it was definitely her sister. Her sister Tammy.