It was pretty cold outside, luckily Jon brought his stone.
"I wish I was also wearing a.. umm, like, what was it called? Oh, a jacket."
The stone flashed and Jon was now wearing a jacket, but it wasn't what he wanted. It was a jean jacket made for a woman, but it did fit him a little better now thanks to his curves and small breasts. His lower IQ was now more noticable.
"This isn't what I want. I wish I was wearing a warm coat!"
The jean jacket morphed into a jacket more suitable for the weather. He also shrank 4 inches in height.
The bus came into view, and in 2 minutes it was at the bus stop. Jon walked on and sat beside Karyn, whose stop was just a couple before his.
"Hey Karyn."
"Hi, did you bring it?"
"Bring what?" Jon let out a small giggle, this was strange to Karyn.
"You know, the rock."
"Well, I wasn't going to leave it in my room. Someone could just walk in and take it."
He pulled it out and gave it to Karyn to hold. She started making a wish.
"I wish we were at our lockers right now."
The stone flashed and they were at school already. Karyn felt a little more bounce as usual, because her chest had just grown another size. If she was wearing a bra it would've been very tight.
"So, what shall we do today Jon?"
"Well, you should totally wish up some clothes."
Jon was talking strange again, and Karyn was very suspicious he might've made a wish that she didn't know. But then clothes did seem like a good idea.
"I wish I was wearing clothes that fit me."