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21. Sissy Curse: Back to School

20. Sissy Curse: Daring Escape!

19. Sissy Curse: Womanly Figure

18. Asking for Help

17. Sissy Curse: Gym Class

16. Getting Changed

15. Gym Class

14. Jon's new...

13. After class

12. Class with Sarah

11. Walk Like a Lady

10. Time for School

9. Sissy Curse: Lips

8. Finding Karyn

7. Hair Styling

6. The Sissy Curse.

5. A Sister's Curse

4. The next morning

3. My Sister the Witch

2. A wish for something interesti

New Nails

on 2020-05-07 19:42:48

1716 hits, 156 views, 2 upvotes.

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Zoe shoved Jenna out of her room. Jenna turned around, but was unable to focus on the door again. Zoe must have reactivated the privacy spell.

She considered her options. Obviously, Zoe was spying on her using magic. This meant she couldn't go straight for the stone, Zoe would find out about it and probably make her give it up. She'd have to wait until nightfall, when everyone was asleep.

That presented a problem. Jenna couldn't stick around at home, lest she make Zoe suspicious. This probably would mean she'd have to go back to school. That had it's own problems: running into more girls and getting more rules, and being punished by the staff for bunking off the last period.

Alternatively, she could go on the run for a few hours. Hiding away from everyone would slow her feminization, but it's unlikely Zoe would allow her to get away with that for so long. Perhaps going back to school and enduring the curse would stop Zoe from interfering further. Making Zoe think she'd given up might just make her complacent enough to give Jenna enough time reverse the damage with the stone.

Making her mind up, she decided that the best option was to return to school and carry on as normal. Lunch was going on now, then she'd have to get through three more periods before the end of the school day. If she made it back before the end of lunch, perhaps people wouldn't have noticed her absence.

Wasting no time, Jenna began skipping back towards the school. With 10 minutes to spare, she had made her way to English Lit. But not before a familiar face ran into her.

"Jon Boy! There you are! I couldn't find you all of lunch! You haven't been avoiding me have you?" Jenna turned around to see Karyn running towards her. Karyn's wish enhanced breasts were bouncing seductively as she made her way towards Jenna. This caused Jenna's dick to tighten against her panties.

"My name's Jenna, and I'm a girl" she responded to Karyn's nickname.

"Yeah but Jenna Girl doesn't have the same ring to it. Oh I know! How about Jenny-Boi?!" Karyn laughed. Jenna's face reddened in embarrassment.

"Seriously though girl, where were you?"

"I had to check something at home, I came back as fast as I could." Jenna responded as they walked into the classroom. With a few minutes of lunch left, the classroom was empty. This gave them a few minutes to chat.

"So how are you adjusting to girl life?"

"I hate it. Every time I run into a new girl I just get humiliated further! It's not fair! Not to mention I have to have this stupid hairdo and trashy makeup, and I'm stuck in these uncomfortable clothes with these socks pretending to have tits! I look absolutely ridiculous and I'm so embarrassed."

"I'd tell you to man up but that's kinda the wrong advice. I'd just enjoy it Jenny. Fighting it is only gonna make you feel worse. Might as well enjoy it while it lasts." Karyn pulled Jenny into a hug. Despite all the weirdness of the day, Karyn was still her friend, and had her best interests at heart. Zoe's magic wouldn't stop that.

At that moment the door opened and the teacher, Mr. Norton entered. Seeing the two 'girls' embraced, he cleared his throat to get their attention. "Miss Black. And... Mr Madison?" He asked, a frown on his face at seeing one of his students crossdressed.

"Actually sir that's Miss Madison." Jenny responded. Norton's eyes glowed pink for a brief moment. "Of course, do forgive me. It's good to see you're keen to start the lesson. I wish some of your peers would share in your enthusiasm."

The girls continued chatting for a few minutes as their classmates started milling in. It didn't take long before Jenna felt a familiar chill. Looking toward the door, he saw Tiffany Sanders, the yeargroup's resident slut, looking right at her with pink eyes. She walked over to Karyn, asking to take her seat. Karyn obliged, walking off letting Tiffany sit next to Jenny.

"You're looking good girl! Doesn't look like you've broken any more rules. Guess you think it's better being a girl than a sissy boi huh?"

Jenny nodded.

"Well I hope you're ready to continue where your sister left off! Let me see your hands."

Frowning, Jenna lifted her hands up to Tiffany. "Ew!" She exclaimed. "Man hands! Those just won't do on a pretty girl like yourself. Place them flat on the table." Jenna obliged, as Tiffany began rummaging through her handbag.

Jenna and Tiffany spent the whole lesson applying different nail varnishes. Mr Norton continued to teach English to the rest of the class, oblivious to the duo's activities. By the end of the lesson, Jenna had adorned nail varnish in the same colour as her hair and lipstick.

"Remember Jenna: When in public you need to ensure your fingers have been manicured properly. Oh and do yourself a favor and buy a pair of false nails. Their gonna look so much better than your ugly man hands." Jenna scribbled in her notebook, adding the new rule. Once this was over, the bell rang, signalling the end of class. Karyn rushed over.

"I'm dying to have a look at your new nails Jenny-boi!" Jenny gave her a cursory glance at her nails, before exiting to her next class.

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