Though in fact the stranger was careful not to specify that it would be the next wish. There were too many things he could wish for that would either be stupid, or wouldn't be inconvenient unless the wish acted in a very silly way, or wouldn't be plausible as a misinterpreted wish.
That evening, Jon met with Karyn in his room to discuss possible wishes.
"Maybe I can wish you up a bigger bra to go with those, er,..."
"Boobs," said Karyn. "And the wish changes reality, remember? My bras all got bigger by themselves."
"Okay, no bras. How about this then. I wish we had some pizza and Coke."
The refreshments appeared in front of them; this one didn't happen to trigger the wish to transform the stone.
"I can't believe we have something better than the best genie in a Disney movie and we use it for snacks. How about this instead...."