The next thing she knew, it was almost 8pm.
But things were tidy.
Karyn dropped on down on her bed, relieved. She had been at it all day. The lunchroom, the counters, the bannisters, the windowsills.
That little speck of_café_ that stained the carpet was the hardest to get out. No one would have noticed, but she did.
She felt a twinge of pride. Layers of ruffles pushed out and up, turning Karyn into a giant black and white poof. She was tired, but she was happy.
Karyn scanned her room. Ten identical dresses hanging in the closet, lace caps stacked neatly on her dresser. A few feather dusters. They looked so pretty, so neat. She loved those things.
Then, the realization of how she was thinking started to dawn on her.
Something was wrong.
"Sacre bleu!"
And she gasped again at her exclamation. Unconscious, default, French?! Her mind raced. And the questions came.
How had she fallen so easily into this role? Had she done all these things willingly? Could she escape?
She needed to find Athena. And fast. It couldn't wait until tomorrow.