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109. Karyn needs new clothes

108. Girl World: Lunch with the Tea

107. Time to eat

106. Girl World: Matchy Matchy

105. Girl World: Karyn Takes Charge

104. Girl World: The Green Pill

103. Girl World: The Booth Babe

102. Girl World: Karyn's Job

101. Girl World: Rules are Rules

100. Girl World: Sugar Tits

99. An interesting interview

98. Girl World: The Kissing Booth

97. Girl World: Fair Day

96. Girl World: Rescue Relief

95. Karyn's interview

94. Karyn gets dressed

93. Lifesaver Jon

92. Karyn finds something to wear

91. A bumpy flight

90. Waking up on a plane

Girl world: Karyn Needs New Clothes

avatar on 2020-04-20 11:46:11
Episode last modified by Maddie on 2020-04-20 11:46:43

1775 hits, 148 views, 4 upvotes.

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Karyn took a sip of her beer and returned to digging into her steak. She didn’t normally eat steak but, for some reason, when the waiter came to take their orders Karyn fancied something meaty and juicy. Dean was still over at the table with the two boys, so Karyn ordered him a salad as well as one for George who was still busy massaging her groin.

Halfway through her steak, she noticed Dean returning to their table. He seemed pretty eager to tell her all that he had learned about the two boys and he was practically running over to them.

Dean was in such a rush that he didn’t notice the waiter passing by their table and so he bumped into him, causing the waiter to knock his tray over and spill all the drinks over Karyn.

“Jesus Christ!” Karyn exclaimed as she got drenched. Dean and the waiter went to get something to try and clean Karyn up but she angrily grabbed Dean’s arm.

“Watch where you’re going next time. You clumsy slut.”

Dean whimpered and muttered an apology before rushing off the moment Karyn released him.

The waiter soon returned with some cloths to try and mop up what had been spilled on Karyn’s suit but to no avail. The waiter, constantly apologizing, offered that she could try and find some spare clothes in their changing rooms in the back.

Although annoyed, Karyn took the waiter up on his offer. There wasn’t anything else that she could do. Everyone in the restaurant was looking at her, including the two boys on the other table.

“What a great first impression.” Karyn thought as she followed the waiter through the restaurant. She felt somewhat sad that she hadn’t been introduced to the boys.

The waiter led Karyn away from the prying eyes of the other customers and into the changing rooms. The changing rooms weren’t quite what Karyn was expecting for a restaurant. They looked more like a locker room suited for a football stadium than a kitchen.

The thought quickly vanished from Karyn’s mind as the waiter showed to a rack of clothing.

“I hope that you will be able to find something that fits you, Ma’am.” The waiter said before he returned to his position, leaving Karyn alone.

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