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9. 90% Karyn, 10% Sarah

8. Karyn Hides From Jon

7. Add 10% of Steve Farber

6. Jon Meets Up With Karyn

5. Add Another 10% of Zoe

4. 90% Jon, 10% Zoe

3. The Mimicry Stone

2. Switched Stones

1. You Are What You Wish

The Mimicry Stone: 90% Karyn, 10% Sarah

avatar on 2009-01-09 20:07:54

1327 hits, 98 views, 1 upvotes.

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Unknown to her, when Karyn made her wish, she had picked up 10% of the personality of someone walking by the closet. That person was Sarah McMillan, of all people.

After she made sure Jon wasn't around, she quickly went to her locker to get her books for first period. School wouldn't start for a little while, but Jon wasn't there for the moment, so it was better to get her books then rather than risk getting them later.

As she got her books, she glanced over at some students wearing old T-shirts and worn jeans. Karyn suddenly became disgusted by them. Those losers don't have any fashion sense, she thought. Then she looked down at herself and became confused, as well as turned off. "What the hell am I wearing?" she muttered to herself. "I look like those losers."

She heard some girls laughing and glanced towards them. She smiled, watching Sarah McMillan and her friends walk in her direction. Now there's someone with good taste, she thought. Karyn had always admired Sarah and had more than once tried to get on her good side. Karyn knew that she (herself) was superior to most of the school and she also knew that if she tried hard enough, Sarah would see that.

Without realizing it, Karyn had picked up Sarah's sense of superiority, as she now thought of most of the school as losers.

Karyn looked back down at her dreadful outfit, thinking she better change her clothes. She didn't want people to think she was part of the loser crowd. But where would she get clothes there at school?

She smiled, as she remembered that she had the wishing stone. She could just wish up new clothes.

"I wish that my outfit would change to look like what Sarah McMillan is wearing." The stone glowed and Karyn's clothes began to change. Her navy blue T-shirt morphed into a pink halter top, her worn jeans turned into a short white pleated miniskirt, and her sneakers turned into 4-inch open-toe heels. She looked down at herself and grinned. "Perfect."

Again, unknown to Karyn, she picked up another 10% of someone's personality when she made her wish. This time it was someone opening their locker near Karyn. That person was ...

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