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24. More Vixen's

23. Vixen Soldiers

22. Karyn and Athena Get Their Hel

21. Zoe's Building An Army

20. What Is Zoe's Next Task?

19. Karyn and Athena in Jon's Bedr

18. Zoe's Plans Continued

17. The Bad Guys Show Up

16. Karyn and Athena Make Plans

15. Back to Zoe and Her Followers

14. Karyn's Help

13. Karyn Makes A Stand

12. Zoe Makes Plans

11. Karyn Wakes Up

10. Back to Sarah

9. Mr. and Mrs. Stokes

8. Doing the Task

7. What's the Worse Thing To Do?

6. Whatever She Pleased

5. Goddess of Darkness

Soldier #2, 3, 4, 5...and the Healers

on 2010-04-23 19:26:25

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"...I know, how about instead of changing you one at a time, I just change you all at once!" said Zoe, as she then quickly snapped her fingers eleven times.

The cheerleaders cried out in horror as they all collapsed to the floor and began convulsing. Black fur spread over their bodies as they grew taller. Their legs became longer and shapely, hips widened and rears inflated. Torso's lengthened as waists thinned and toned. Breasts inflated from B's to CC's, C's to D's and DD"s, and D's to DD's, all bursting from bras and sports bras. Arms become longer and toned as claws sprout from the fingers of now dainty, strong hands and from toes. Ears rise to the top of heads and become fox ears, jaws and noses elongate into muzzles while whiskers appear and eye lashes lengthen on Almond shaped eyes.

Hair darkens from blonde, brown and red to black and lengthens either to mid back, lower back, waist and in two cases knee length. Height's stop around 5'9" to 6'1" range, while tails grow out from the tops of rears, snapping panties and sending them to the floor. In place of eleven hot and pretty cheerleaders, now stood eleven sexy and beautiful humanoid vixen's. As one, all eleven Vixen's opened their eyes, showing them all to be the same: dark purple. Each Vixen looked at each of their sisters( They would be sisters now, because Zoe decided to change them all at the same time), feeling familial love for each other, strength, loyalty and protectiveness of each other.

Zoe gave them a few moments to create their family bonds and then waved her hands over them.

Hair began braiding itself as armor and jewels appeared on each Vixen's body, very similar to their captain's armor, only they wore a black leather halter top instead of a leather top over a chain mail shirt, and black cloaks instead of purple. Memories of training filled their minds as weapons appeared. Only two Vixen's didn't get any weapons, they were the ones whose braids were knee length, they stared at their Lady in confusion, wondering why they didn't get any.

Zoe, smiled at the two Vixen's.

"Don't worry my dear Vixen's, I have not forgotten you. It is now your turn, my Vixen Healers," said Zoe as she waved a hand over both of them.

Both Vixen's began changing again. They both gained memories of healer training, while memories of combat training lost, except for the bare minimum knowledge of how to defend themselves. The Vixen's armor vanished from their bodies as they began to change again.

This pair of Vixen's used to be cheerleaders Amber Cummings( Zoe's left) and Grace Paterson( Zoe's right), now they are Amber and Grace Blackpaw, just like the rest of their sisters.

Amber blinked as she began to shrink and become younger. Her D cup breasts shrank down to moderate CC's as her figure lost some of its curves. The Vixen stopped shrinking when she reached her new height of 5'4" and her new age of sixteen( She started out at this age). A white robe appeared on her body, which then tightened until it accentuated her younger curves. A healers satchel appeared hanging across her torso, while a black leather belt with a sheathed knife appeared on her waist. Amber was now the youngest sister, which now caused her sisters' bonds of protectiveness of her to strengthen, meaning her sister's would rather die than let any harm come to their little sister.

Grace was going through a similar, but different change than Amber had went through.

Grace blinked as she began to grow a few more inches taller, bringing her from 5'9" to 6', and older till she reached the age of thirty. Her Breasts swelled from small D's to DD"s that sagged slightly against her chest, her waist lost a bit of its firmness, as did most of her body and curves, giving her a matronly figure. Grace's hair unbraided itself as a few strands of grey appeared. A similar white robe appeared on Grace and also tightened till it fit her body along with a healers satchel and belt with a knife.

The eldest Vixen's eyes glowed with wisdom and knowledge, as well as a yearning to help any who need aid.

Both Amber and Grace looked at one another and a new bond formed, one that they would rarely share with their other sisters. This bond was similar to that of a mother-daughter bond, for now that Grace was the eldest, she felt the most responsible for her youngest sister. Because she felt this bond, her dark spirit became grey as kindness, love, and a willingness to do what was right filled her heart. And since she is the one who Amber looked up to, Amber's spirit was the same.

Grace's Lady Zoe, would never know this, for if she did, it would mean the eldest Vixen's death.

Both Vixen's then turned to their Lady and bowed to her, "Thank you milady!" they both said.

Zoe smiled at them and then she turned her attention away from her new healers not noticing the youngest shiver and the oldest place a calming hand on her shoulder. Amber looked up at her eldest sister Vixen's face and read the message she was telling her in her eyes; don't let her see your fear, don't let her know we are no longer under her power.

Zoe was to busy with her army, that she didn't notice what was occurring behind her back...literally!

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