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43. Karyn Becomes a Goddess

42. They Discuss Their Options

41. Trevor Leads Them to Athena

40. Zoe's Servants Leave the Schoo

39. Strategic Exit

38. The Opposition Dwindles

37. A Turn For the Better

36. Things Continue Elsewhere

35. To The Pool

34. Biff Becomes a Centaur

33. The Battle Continues ... But N

32. Melissa gets leggy

31. Half-Scorpion

30. Zoe's Army

29. The Battle Begins

28. Half-Bat

27. Karyn and Athena Hit a Roadblo

26. Half-Lobster

25. Half-Cockroach

24. Half-Snake

Karyn Becomes a Goddess

avatar on 2007-06-09 15:05:28

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Then, suddenly, Karyn thought about what she said when she told Zelda 'I don't think we could trust someone that steals things and turns people into gods and goddesses'. "I have an idea," Karyn said.

"Well, you better do it quick. They're almost inside," Zelda said.

"I wish I had a Deity Stone in my hand," she said. The stone glowed and a second stone appeared in her other hand. It immediately became hot and burned into her hand. Karyn yelled out in pain. And when the pain subsided, she saw that the wished-up stone was gone. And her burnt skin had been healed.

Knowledge flooded her mind, as she realized that she had become a goddess herself, just by touching the Deity Stone. Her wished-up blonde hair returned to its natural red color and her wished-up large breasts returned to their normal B-cup size. She was back to normal, except that she had all the powers of a goddess.

She turned to Athena and Zelda. They were shocked. They had seen what had happened and were speechless. "Karyn, are you okay?" Zelda whispered.

"You will address me as Goddess Karyn," she answered, with a bit of authority.

"Goddess? Goddess of what?" Athena asked. She wasn't sure if Karyn's idea to become a goddess was a good idea or a bad one. They could very well have another Zoe on their hands.

"I am Goddess of ..."

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