(Inspired somewhat by Bill Hart)
"I wish that everyone present in Brett Levitt's home at 7:30 sharp would turn into a sexy teenage girl and stay that way until 9:30 the next morning, at which point she'll return to her original self with no memories of her transformation. I wish that while changed, her memories and reality will adjust as if she'd always been that way, and that when she changes back, reality and memories will return to normal. I wish that the physical transformation won't change those who show up after the 7:30 mark. Finally, I wish that Mark and me will remember how things are supposed to be while the others are changed."
"Whoah, that's a mouthful," said Carson with a whistle. "But what's the idea about changing everyone into hot girls?"
"I just thought the party'd be a lot more enjoyable for us if we could be surrounded by sexy chicks instead of our boring classmates. And don't worry. As long as we're not there at 7:30, the change won't affect us."
"But the party starts at six. We're gonna miss the beginning."
"Yeah? So, we'll be fashionably late. 'Sides, the first hour or so's always a drag anyway. As for the time, didn't you read the schedule?" Dave pointed at a nearby flier. Printed in the corner was a list of events planned at the party. One of the items jumped out at them.
7:30 - Raffle!
"Oh, I get it," Carson grinned. Brett's raffles were almost as legendary as his parties, with prizes even the Goth's couldn't resist. At his birthday celebration last year, one of the juniors got a trip to Ireland. When the time for the raffle came, absolutely everyone would be gathered in Brett's house.
Dave's eyes gleamed with anticipation. "This party is gonna be awesome."