About an hour after the school day ended Jon walked out of Mrs. Doris's classroom as that days detention ended.
"Stupid coins. It was an honest-to-God accident and I still got reamed by the Principal," muttered Jon.
Jon's locker popped open, revealing its untouched contents. Unearthing the small box from the pile of books and looking inside Jon saw that the stone was still there.
"Whew, thank God," thought a relieved Jon. "I was scared that something weird might have happened if someone made a wish with this."
With her fears subsided she stashed the box with the stone in her purse.
Tucking away the box, Jon was startled as two hands reached from behind her and gently cupped her breasts.
"Hey girlfriend," spoke a familiar voice directly into her ear.
"Joseph, you scared the shit out of me," sighed Jon, turning around to greet the girl behind her, making the hands cradling her chest move down to her soft heart-shaped rear. A quick kiss was exchanged.
"Now is that any way to talk to someone that willingly waited around for you to get done with detention so she could drive you to Brettfest," replied the shapely female named Joseph. "Not to mention someone that you're been dating for over a year."
"More like one year, four months and sixteen days but whose counting? Are you ready to head over to Brett's place?"
"Oh yeah, a little alcohol, a little video games, and a little bit of you in one of those make-out rooms. I think I'm more than ready."
The two girls walked out of the school building, oblivious to the fact that they were they were male that morning. Joe and Mark were also in for a surprise that all of the "new girls" that they had wished for were really female versions of their past selves that still had the same hobbies, interests and sexual orientation that they had before their change.