The next morning, Jon opened his eyes and smiled. It was a whole new day to use the stone.
He sat up on his bed and grabbed the stone. "I wish I was ready for school," he said. But the stone didn't glow and he didn't get his wish.
"Huh? What's wrong with this thing?" He paused for a moment, then said "I wish to know why my last wish didn't get granted." Again, the stone didn't glow and he didn't get his wish.
Suddenly, Jon felt a cold wind blow past him, the same kind of feeling when he made previous wishes. Only then the feeling was small, because his wishes were small (like changing the color of that plant at school). This one felt like a gust.
It didn't take Jon long to figure out that the stone he was holding wasn't his stone. Someone must have secretly switched them. But who?
Whoever he or she was, the stone was being used at that very moment. And it was changing reality in big ways. He had to find out who had the real stone and get it back before they did too much damage.
Jon ran outside to see what had changed.