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34. Biff Realizes What Sarah's Bee

33. Sarah will Fix It

32. Biff is Reunited With Sarah

31. Empathy

30. Biff Wakes Up in the Hospital

29. Someone Called 9-1-1 and Now B

28. Further down the strip mall...

27. Men and Women Switch Places at

26. It's a Nail Salon

25. Biff Changes Someone in a Shop

24. Biff Hides From Wesley

23. Biff Realizes That the Changes

22. Of Course, the Two Mothers Cha

21. Biff Arrives at Wesley's Schoo

20. Sarah Changes the Two Female J

19. Sarah Changes a Young Boy and

18. Sarah Finds Her Test Case

17. Steve Keeps His Distance

16. Steve and Sarah Notice the Cha

15. Danny Touches Sarah, Then Chan

Eye of the Storm: No, Biff is NOT Normal, Sarah

avatar on 2020-04-02 02:16:37

1405 hits, 113 views, 3 upvotes.

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Biff backed out of Sarah's arms. "You know? Then why are you so okay with it?" he asked. She was wearing clothing that he should have been wearing. If she knew she was being affected, then why didn't she try to make herself look more like herself?

"I'm not okay with it," she said. "I'm not sure what's happening, but I know I can fix it. I've been doing it all afternoon. With one touch, I can make people normal again."

Biff looked down at himself. "Well, you just touched me. How come I'm not normal again?"

Sarah looked confused. "But you're already normal, babe."

Then it clicked. Sarah was seeing people who hadn't changed and thinking that they were backwards ... and then going out of her way to change them! No, this was horrible! Not only was Biff unwittingly changing people, but his girlfriend was doing the same thing, only on purpose?! He had to stop her!

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