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5. Being The Babysitter

4. so now....

3. a sucessful test

2. Scott

1. Altered Fates

Sarah the Babysitter

on 2020-04-01 23:55:03

2149 hits, 113 views, 1 upvotes.

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Scott remembered that he had stolen the panties of one of his old babysitter Sarah and had hidden it somewhere in his closet when he was around 10. He rummaged around in there and after a few minutes he found them.

"This'll be perfect! I'll be able to see what it's like to be a girl!"

He stripped down and put on the medallion. He touched it to his skin and waited for the transformations. After 30 minutes he had fully transformed into Sarah. He looked over his new body and realized he'd never noticed how hot she was. She had at least DD breasts and a huge ass.
Scott then realized that he didn't have any clothes to wear except for the single pair of panties. He slipped them over his smooth new legs and went to his parent's room. He decided to go through his mom's drawers to see if anything she had would fit him.

While he was looking through her drawer's Scott found a red dildo. He picked it up and while he held it, he felt his new vagina heating up and could feet a wetness in his panties.
He knew he had to try masturbating as a girl, but he hadn't expected to hit the jackpot! He quickly went back to his room lay down in his bed. He took off Sarah's panties and started rubbing his new lips.

Once he was ready, he slowly inserted the dildo into his pussy. After by far the best masturbation he'd had in his life, he had 3 bone shaking orgasms like nothing he'x experienced before.

"Man, I definitely need to do this again sometime. But for now, I'm gonna need some clothes."

So he went back to his parent's room and found a dress that fit him okay, and a sports bra that was a little too small, but was also okay.

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