Audrey looked at the remote and began to realize what it had done. On one hand, Josh looked like a freak show (a son wearing his mother’s clothes), but on the other hand she could use an extra helping hand around the house instead of her messy son.
Josh looked back at Audrey in concern, “Mom! Look at me, this is crazy!”
Audrey placed a hand on her chin and studied Josh, “Hmm well, maybe now you can understand how hard I have it.” She then began to walk away and was suddenly grabbed by Josh from behind.
“Mom, you can’t leave me like this! I don’t want to be like you!”
Audrey took offense to this as she pressed the remote once more.
In an instant Josh felt his face go numb as it began to reshape, round out, and gain a woman’s features. Josh suddenly ran to the nearest mirror and saw that his head was a perfect copy of Audrey’s!