Kurt watched incredulously as Brick tried to call dispatch from his radio. This guy was incredible. Did he really believe that dispatch would recognize him and actually go along with this obvious ruse? Imagine Kurt's shock, and complete confusion, when dispatch actually went along with it.
"Yeah, this is Officer Harrison. I think something might be wrong with my partner. Maybe he got hit on the head or something, because he thinks I'm a criminal."
"We've been getting similar stories from some of our other officers and detectives," Kurt heard dispatch say back, over the radio. "Just keep him there. We're sending you an ambulance."
"Hey, I am not sick! I know you're a criminal! One of the worst around!" Kurt yelled. He was really losing it. His temper, that was. He was definitely not crazy. He was sure of it. It's the rest of the world that had gone crazy.