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7. Karyn's Always Been a Guy?

6. Jon's Always Been A Girl?

5. Karyn Wishes

4. Jon Wakes Up The Next Morning

3. The Amnesia Stone

2. Switched Stones

1. You Are What You Wish

The Amnesia Stone: Karyn's Always Been a Guy?

avatar on 2017-03-22 17:29:32

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Jon grabbed the stone out of Karyn's hand. "How would you like it if I said something Like I wish you were a guy?!" he (or rather she) yelled. Jon's eyes went wide. "Wait a minute, I didn't mean ..." But it was too late.

The stone emitted that strange purple glow again, then Karyn transformed into a male version of herself. Oddly, her wish-enhanced breasts and long blond hair didn't remain, but that was because this was the Amnesia Stone, a different stone. So her wished up changes using the original stone could be undone. But this wasn't the way she wanted it to happen.

So one moment, Karyn was standing there, then the next there was a male version of Karyn, dressed as a typical teenage boy would be.

Jon (or rather Jen) looked around as if she were in a daze, then looked over at Karl, who was freaking out. "Jen! Why did you wish that?"

"Wish what? Karl, I didn't wish for anything," Jon said, perplexed. Sure, she was holding the stone, but she didn't wish for anything. She was sure of it.


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