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9. Jon Wants a Relationship With

8. Jon's An Airhead

7. Wishes Recived as Requested?

6. the wish

5. karyn's wish

4. making a wish

3. The Wish Switcher Stone

2. Switched Stones

1. You Are What You Wish

The Wish Switcher Stone: Jon the Shemale Dates Karl's Mother-Turned-Sister

avatar on 2017-03-22 15:34:43

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Jon giggled, then used the stone again. In her current state of mind, that was probably not a good idea. But before Karyn could stop her, Jon was already making her wish. "I wish you were, like, the most popular guy in school and that I was, like, dating you and everyone knows it and totally admires us."

Again, nothing seemed to happen.

"Oh, pooh," Jon said, frowning.

"Karl, what's going on in here?" came a voice from the hall, as the bedroom door opened. Karyn's (or was that Karl's now?) mother Bethany walked in, startling Jon, causing her to drop the stone on the floor. Bethany then picked it up. "What's this? A stone?"

Then the transformations began. Because Bethany was the next person to touch the stone (the Wish Switcher Stone), it was as if Bethany was the one who made Jon's wishes, with Jon being the one she was talking to.

Jon felt his cock returning, though it was much smaller than it was before, making him "male" again. More specifically - a shemale. And because of the wish, Jon was the most popular guy in school. The thing was, though, if it weren't for the male genitalia, Jon would be easily mistaken for a girl, as all the other changes that had happened to him still remained. He was still very feminine and always wore make-up, skirts, and dresses, the newest fashions, and was part of the cheerleading squad. But in this newest wish-granting, Jon wasn't the only one to change.

Bethany felt herself get younger and younger, until she was really no older than her son Karl. She was now one year older than Karl, a senior in high school. Even her clothing changed, becoming something that a modern day teenage girl would wear. She was no longer Karl's mother. She was now Karl's sister. And she was dating Jon. Everyone knew it and everyone admired them.

"How is any of this possible?" Bethany asked, freaking out.

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