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2. It's In The Cards

1. You Are What You Wish

It's In The Cards

avatar on 2005-11-29 18:51:13

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Early the next morning, Karyn stopped by Jon's house.

"Hi, Karyn," said Jon's mom, as she let Karyn in. "Jon's in his room."

"Okay, thanks."

She went to Jon's bedroom door and knocked.

"Who is it?"

"It's me. Karyn."

The door opened and Karyn walked in.

"Are you going to tell me why you called me over here?"

"Because of the stone."

"Well, I had a feeling it was about that. But, why didn't you just take it to school with you, like yesterday?"

"Because I wanted to try something out before I went to school. And I wanted you here with me when I did it."

"Okay." What was Jon going to do? Karyn was interested even more now. "So, what are you going to wish for?"

"Well, it's not like that. It's sort of an experiment and a game all in one."

"What are you talking about?"

Jon picked up two decks of cards. "See these?"


"All last night, I thought of different things and characteristics that people could have and I wrote them all down on these cards." He gestured at other decks of cards sitting on the floor. He also pointed to a makeshift spinner, with six words on it: DOUBLE, HALF, BIG, SMALL, SHORT, LONG. "You spin this to indicate how much of the characteristic, that's on the card, you will get. Like, if I picked a card that said HAIR and I spun DOUBLE, then I'd get twice as much hair as I have right now. There will be a time limit, though. Say a day. And for that one day, everyone in town except (except us) will think it's normal. It's a gamble, so you never know what you'll get. You can even mix them, to make things more interesting. Or weird."

"Why do it at all?"

"Because I can. Besides, we'll have tons of time to use the stone later."

"Good enough for me."

"Okay, now for the wish." He picked up the stone and said "I wish that for one day anyone who chooses a card and spins the spinner would change according to what was chosen and spun and I wish that the ones choosing a card and spinning the spinner and the ones near the ones choosing a card and spinning the spinner will be the only ones that remember how things were before the choosing of the card and the spinning of the spinner."

"You thought that out a lot, didn't you?"

"I wanted to make sure it was specific," Jon said. "So, do you want to pick a card first or do you want me to do it?"

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