"Oh, I almost forgot." Tim said, still holding the rock "I wish that my name was Tina, Jon's name was Jessica, and Pete's name was Pamela." everyone closed their eyes as the stone flashed.
"God Dammit Tina!" the cute girl, once known as Jon screamed. "You didn't put a limit on that wish you stupid bastard!" Jessica said as she tried to cross the room and get the stone back from Tina.
Karyn and Vicki stood, looking over their new, grown up bodies as Pamela could only watch in shock, still not fully believing what had just happened.
"Aw, Jessica, I... I forgot" Tina defended "I wish you wouldn't be mad at me." the girl said as they all had to close their eyes again as the stone flashed. Jessica's demeanor completely changed as she reached Tina.
"Oh Tina, it's okay, you didn't mean any harm... besides... My new name is super cute!"
What had Tina done?