Lonna Tran found herself in her old classroom sitting behind her old desk looking much like she had when this long strange day had a start. Had it all been a dream after all. It had to have been she thought. At that moment Mary Elliott walked up to her and said in a tone that Lonna had never heard her use before.
“Ms. Rodriguez, why are you sitting there dressed like that? You are not a teacher take your usual seat before your teacher gets here.” Lonna tried to reply but could not find the words. Somehow, she now feared her friend. She stood up only to have Mary start again.
“Ms. Rodriguez you must follow the dress code for students in this school.” She beckoned Lonna towards her and soon as Lonna got in front of her Mary began to tear off the outfit that Lonna was wearing. Off went the dark blue button-down. Followed by the black pencil skirt and lastly the black heels.
Lonna thought that she was standing there naked but when she looked down she found that she was dressed in a grey V-neck and jeans. The exact same outfit that Lauren had been wearing at the beginning of that very strange day.
“Much better Ms. Rodriguez now take your seat and we will say no more about this shall we.” Mary no that wasn’t right it was Mrs. Elliott her Assistant Principal, that was right, wasn’t it.
Lonna awoke from her sleep with a start. She tried to get the nightmare out of her head. What did it mean? She sensed that it meant something but what. She looked over at the clock and saw it was just after three in the morning. She got up and walked along the hall to the room at the end. The bed in there looked so inviting. So much so that she opened one of the drawers in the dresser and pulled out a long T-shirt and put it on after slipping out of the outfit she had fallen asleep in. She then crawled under the covers and went back to sleep.