"I wish," he said, his hands trembling, "that when the conditions of the following wish, which will for a while change my life, I will return to my own body, the body of Jon Gibson, with this wishing stone still in my possession."
His cock was now rock hard in anticipation to what he was about to do. "I wish...I wish... for one entire month, that a magical transformation website would be created and distributed randomly to the computers of nerds, geeks, and perverts. This website would be able to transform, alter, and or rewrite anything about the people in my home town, who will all have special tattoos that will designate them as transformable and the like. Everyone in town will be aware of the website, but none of them can use the site themselves, but will be able to read and see pictures and stories of what is happening to themselves and others. The people who log on to the site will be able to do what they want with anyone in town, with the exception of killing or anything gory for that matter. There will be a list of everyone in town, and a list of what is happening to everyone as well. They will also be able to see anyone no matter where they are. I also wish there were help icons to help the online community to better use the site and it's many options. Finally, I wish that the site launched an hour ago, and all the users were about to log on."
The rock began to glow and Jon could feel an odd tingling on the back of his hand as a tattoo appeared, some kind of computer monitor with a happy face on it. He grinned and decided to go to his room to his own computer and see if he could see if anything had happened yet.