Jon spotted a request that looked interesting, he began to read.
"As an avid player of fantasy role playing games with my friends I have always wondered what it would be like to be in those worlds for real, having adventures and fighting dragons. As such, if it where possible, I would like to be my avatar, a beautiful warrior maiden living in an erotic world of magic and dragons! I wish my friends also became their avatars with me so they can share in my erotic adventures."
Wow! Jon thought, I wonder who would wish something like that. He used his admin privileges and looked at the poster's identity. It was Leonard Drullers his geeky next door neighbor.
"I never knew that's what kind of games he played!"
Well it was up to him now. He had the power to grant Leonard's wish or screw with him. Of course He could ignore him for now and look at someone else's fantasy. Jon thought about it and decided what he would do....