With the changes to my muscles, I now looked lanky and emaciated. I could see my all my bones as if I were anorexic, and still in the middle of an awkward growth spurt.
As I was looking at my oversized and under-muscled hand, I felt the compulsion to wish come over me again...
"I wish that my skeleton would reshape itself to make me have the lean, sexy shape of a supermodel, and that my bones would slim down to make my muscles look long, lean and proportional to my new frame. I also wish that all my joints were extremely flexible, forcing me to move in an overtly sexy and graceful way at all times."
I saw the glow spread up through my body, as if light were pouring through my bones. After the light passed, I could see that I was reshaped in a disturbingly sexy way. Watching my hand move was like watching silk move through water, and all the rawboned awkwardness of my male shape was gone.
Looking in the mirror showed me a face that looked like a porn star sculpted out of alabaster. I don't know what there can be left to change? I was absolutely stunning!
BUT If these wishes were to keep coming, what else might happen, now that all the physical changes seemed to be done?