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11. At the McMillan's house

10. The Originals

9. Linda the CEO

8. Zoe Warren

7. Mikey is Roger's mom

6. Roger the pampered princess

5. Jon the slut

4. Karyn goes first

3. family acting

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

Family Acting: At The McMillan's House

avatar on 2016-12-17 16:58:15

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"Right," Linda said excitedly as her husband pulled up by the McMillan's house. "See you in a week." Both Mikey and her husband nodded as she got out of the car.

She waved them off and then walked confidently up to the house. She was very excited to be play Richard McMillan. She was already thinking of the luxury life that he must live.

Bringing her thoughts back to the present she rang the doorbell. She stood there for a few moments before the door opened revealing Sarah McMillan, Richard's daughter.

"So who is it this time?" Sarah asked. She was familiar with the Gibson's and their game as was everyone in the neighbourhood.

"It's your father." Linda replied bluntly. There was no point in beating around the bush.

Sarah rolled her eyes. "Dad!" She called out. "You've been picked for the game!" She let Linda in and then indicated for her to wait in the hall before heading upstairs to what Linda presumed was her bedroom.

"Well I'll find out soon enough." Linda thought to herself as she saw Richard come out of his study.

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