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9. Linda the CEO

8. Zoe Warren

7. Mikey is Roger's mom

6. Roger the pampered princess

5. Jon the slut

4. Karyn goes first

3. family acting

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

Family Acting: Linda The CEO

avatar on 2016-12-17 07:47:05

1750 hits, 125 views, 1 upvotes.

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Zoe pushed the bag towards her mom and waited patiently.

Linda rolled her eye as she took the bag. While she was proud of her daughter's commitment to game it did get rather tiring at times. Especially when they were at home.

Linda reached in to the bag and pulled out her piece of paper.

"Richard McMillan." She read out. Linda paused. Richard McMillan was the CEO of McMillan industries. She was going to have a very busy week this week but like everyone else she took the game seriously and was looking forward to the challenge.

"OK everyone!" Zoe called out getting up. "We all have our names and know where everyone lives. So let's go."

"Come on son." Roger said to Mikey. "We should go over to the Watson's." Mikey nodded and followed his father.

"Hang on honey." Linda called after them. The McMillan's lived in the same area so she figured that she could get a lift with them.

Karyn looked at Jon with a cheecky grin on her face. Jon sighed knowing that she was picturing him in one of Tiffany's outfits.

Biff and Tiffany were neighbours so Karyn and Jon headed out together.

Zoe waited until everyone had left before she locked up the house and then made her way to Miss Warren's house.

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