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28. Good Morning Linda

27. Mikey's Morning

26. Richard's Dream

25. Enjoying the Afterglow

24. The Fight

23. Mikey

22. Family Acting: Confrontation

21. Family Acting: Susan Isn't Hap

20. Family Acting: Lights Out!

19. Family Acting: Mikey Gets No C

18. Family Acting: Linda's Cheatin

17. Family Acting: Karyn Heading O

16. Family Acting: Starting Out as

15. Family Acting: Sarah's Mom

14. Family Acting: Jack's Place

13. Family Acting: Karyn's New Clo

12. Family Acting: Candace Robert'

11. Family Acting: At Biff's House

10. Family Acting: Susan McMillan

9. Yes, Jon's Father Is There

Family Acting: Good Morning Linda

avatar on 2009-10-01 19:14:28

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Linda had slept very well, which surprised her, since the night before had been so eventful. She guessed it had tired her out, which was fine by her. She stretched, then put her hands behind her head as she enjoyed the morning. She was laying, alone, in Biff Meadow's bed. The feel of the cool morning air was stimulating on her exposed breasts, but since Biff slept only in his boxers, she did the same.

There wasn't much time to lay around (Biff had a pretty strict exercise regiment in the morning) but just enough to reflect on the previous night's adventure. She had been having a great time, watching a movie, feeling up her date, when Sarah (that bitch) came onto the scene like a tornado.

Jon, she corrected herself. Jon had come onto the scene, Jon as Sarah.

Linda suppressed the pride in her son's ability to take on the character of the cheerleader. She'd seen him in action before, but each time she was amazed at how good he was at it.

There was no room for pride, though, as Linda had to stay in Biff's character without fail. The pride was quickly swallowed by anger. Anger at that bitch.

That bitch who didn't know what was good for her. How dare she say that Linda had a small dick! Tiffany (Karyn, Linda corrected herself again) wasn't complaining the night before as she performed the expert blowjob in the back of Biff's car.

How had that worked anyway? Linda paused her thoughts to reflect on that. Obviously she had no penis, but she swore that when Tiffany (Karyn) went down on her she had felt her lips wrapped around her member. And when she had finally (actually quite quickly and dramatically) orgasmed, Linda thought she saw cum on Tiffany's (Karyn's) face before it was swiftly wiped off.

She shook her head. There was no time to reflect on these things. She climbed out of bed and stretched again. She checked the workout schedule on the dresser and saw that she was required to jog for half-an-hour before doing thirty minutes of free weights. A glance at the clock confirmed that she still had enough time to do everything she needed before she had to get ready for school, but she'd have to hurry. Throwing on a pair of gym shorts, socks and shoes, she darted for the door, annoyed that her breasts kept bouncing painfully as she jogged bare chested, but resigned to her fate of performing every task just how Biff Meadows would.

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