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22. Family Acting: Confrontation

21. Family Acting: Susan Isn't Hap

20. Family Acting: Lights Out!

19. Family Acting: Mikey Gets No C

18. Family Acting: Linda's Cheatin

17. Family Acting: Karyn Heading O

16. Family Acting: Starting Out as

15. Family Acting: Sarah's Mom

14. Family Acting: Jack's Place

13. Family Acting: Karyn's New Clo

12. Family Acting: Candace Robert'

11. Family Acting: At Biff's House

10. Family Acting: Susan McMillan

9. Yes, Jon's Father Is There

8. Family Acting: The Wheels on t

7. Family Acting: Mom's Picks Bif

6. Family Acting: Zoe Chooses Sup

5. Jon Chooses Sarah

4. Karyn Chooses First

3. family acting

Family Acting: Confrontation

avatar on 2009-04-09 00:53:26

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Meanwhile, Jon was trying to be angry. Maybe it was because it was the first time he had played the game (that he could remember), but he wasn't having much success. Try as he would, the biggest emotional response he could get was a sense of dread; a feeling he couldn't shake.

Earlier, Sarah's life had seemed a breeze. His cell had rang, he answered it, flopping down on his new bed, feeling the bedspread on his naked thighs. He lay on his stomach, kicking his feet in the air behind him, gossiping, giggling, talking about clothes and boys. He was surprised how easily he slipped into character then, using Sarah's particular tone of voice and rhythms. He pridefully thought that he must be a very good at this game.

On his second phone call, one to Sarah's friend Erica, Jon went as far as multi-tasking. This time he sat at the make-up table and looked in the mirror. He first touched up the make-up that Sarah had walked him through applying, then spent the rest of the phone call 'doing' his nails. By the time he hung up with a bubbly "Toodles!" he had (although short) well manicured nails that shone in a pink hue.

He then went downstairs and ate some dinner with his father, who was doing an excellent job impersonating Sarah's mother, Susan. He seemed to be in a mood, for some reason, looking at the clock and huffing a "Hmph" every once and a while. It took Jon the whole meal before he realized that Sarah's dad hadn't come home, and Jon's dad was just going with the flow. He finished up, cleared up, after rolling his eyes at the order, then went upstairs to get ready for his evening. He, according to the schedule Sarah had given him, had a free night, so he planned on heading out to the mall to do some shopping.

After showering, shaving his legs and what little peach fuzz he had grown on his face (can't be too careful), he fell back into the ritual of Sarah-nizing. A whole fresh set of clothes, equally girlie and stylish. A new coat of make-up. He even teased his short hair a bit, just to get a little more volume out of it.

It was then that he'd received the call. It was Erica, again, who was at the movies with some boy she'd met, and she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"Oh, do tell!" Jon giggled, thinking it would be some hot gossip that he would be duty bound to spread around the school the next day.

"It's Biff, sweetie," Erica's voice got quieter, "He's two-timing you. He's out with that slut, Tiffany Sanders."

"What?!" Jon reacted immediately, already in Sarah's character, letting the rage rise up. Some girls would cry, but not this girl. She was a vengeful beast. "That son-of-a-bitch!"

He hung up the phone, grabbed his purse and headed straight outside to Sarah's car.

The rage hadn't lasted, though. As he started driving his mind wandered and unpacked the situation. Now he was driving to confront his (Sarah's) boyfriend (his mom), who was cheating on him (her) with Tiffany Sanders (Karyn, his best friend), the school slut. It was all too much. The dread rose up from his stomach, making him feel queasy. He hoped he'd be able to go through with this; he'd hate to let the others playing the game down.

When he arrived at the theatre, he pulled into an empty parking space and got out of the car. He didn't make it inside, though. There, in the parking lot, was...

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