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18. Family Acting: Linda's Cheatin

17. Family Acting: Karyn Heading O

16. Family Acting: Starting Out as

15. Family Acting: Sarah's Mom

14. Family Acting: Jack's Place

13. Family Acting: Karyn's New Clo

12. Family Acting: Candace Robert'

11. Family Acting: At Biff's House

10. Family Acting: Susan McMillan

9. Yes, Jon's Father Is There

8. Family Acting: The Wheels on t

7. Family Acting: Mom's Picks Bif

6. Family Acting: Zoe Chooses Sup

5. Jon Chooses Sarah

4. Karyn Chooses First

3. family acting

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

Family Acting: Linda's Cheating Heart

avatar on 2009-04-01 19:05:12

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From the moment Biff told her that he was two-timing his girlfriend with Tiffany Sanders, Linda knew the week would be a doozy. Not that she let Biff know, far from it! She took much pride in reassuring her 'hosts' (that's what she thought of them as) that their lives would be fine and dandy on their return. She wouldn't do anything to rock the boat, no matter what her moral issues were with Biff's life choices. Heck, that was the point of the game, wasn't it? To see things from other people's perspectives!

Now, if Biff had started the ball rolling toward disaster before Linda stepped in, that was another story. She hoped that it wouldn't be the case, but having been a teenage girl once herself (a popular one at that), she knew how girls could talk. Biff, being the big-man-on-campus, was a trophy. Tiffany Sanders, vapid bimbo that she was, would want to show him off. She wouldn't think she was, but she would. A comment here, a look and a wink there. Soon enough word would get to Sarah, and when it did the shit would hit the fan.

Hopefully, thought Linda, that would happen another week.

She brushed the distracting thoughts aside. Having been through the game many times before she knew how a little distraction could ruin a moment. Focus was the name of the game. She would have to focus on where she was and what she was doing.

Linda took note of her surroundings. She had just pulled up in front of Tiffany Sander's house, a small brown bungalo, surrounded by bigger houses on all sides. It was neatly kept-up, but the beat-up station wagon in the driveway gave a hint that the Sanders' were not as affluent as their neighbours.

Linda waiting for the loud rock song on the radio to finish (since that was what Biff would have done), then turned off the car and climbed out. She adjusted her crotch in a masculine fashion and strutted up the walk to the front door. Pausing to do a quick fly/pit/breath check, she made sure she was in character.

She pressed the ivory coloured plastic button on the doorframe.

Inside, through the door, came the muffled thumping of heeled feet hurrying toward the door. "Must be in a rush to see the old Biff-ster," she told herself, with a chuckle.

The door swung open, revealing Karyn, Linda's son's best friend. Only this wasn't quite the Karyn that she knew. Mrs. Madison was aware that there would be changes, but how much Karyn had transformed herself to get in character was stunning.

She stared, checking Karyn out in a manner fitting a boy in Biff's position. Instead of the usual tom-boyish outfits that she would wear, Karyn was dressed in as some sort of 'hookerized' version of a schoolgirl. Pleated skirt, high-heeled mary-janes, knee-socks, even the white top that ignored most of it's buttons. Her face was done up in a way that if Linda had been her mother, she would have demanded she turn around and wash it off.

But she wasn't her mother. She was her date. Biff Meadows. Super-jock.

"Hi big fella," came Karyn coo, as she looked Linda up and down, "You ready for a hot night?" the last word finished in a giggle, seeming to imply some sort of unspoken understanding.

"Tiffany?!" Mr. Sanders shouted from the den. Linda hoped that she wouldn't have to deal with Tiffany's parents. It was an awkward situation she wasn't sure she was prepared for. "Who's at the door? That better not be a boy!"

"We'd better go," Karyn said, placing her hand on Linda's left breast, where Biff's firm pectoral would have been, and shoved her outside, "he's, like, in a mood. So, sugar, where to?"

Linda Madison, mother of three, stared at her date and smiled a predatory smile. "Well first thing's first..."

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